FCRS – Financial Consolidation and Reporting Solution


Take advantage of a new consolidation and reporting solution specially designed for groups that want to automate and improve their processes, using an application tested and adaptable to your business.

    Available in SAP BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation) and SAP BFC (Business Financial Consolidation)

      [READ MORE]


      Valorgest – Company of the year

      Valorgest - Company of the Year

      Nersant and newspaper O Mirante attributed the award of Company of the Year to Valorgest (in our size category), an award that honour and motivate us to continue to always do better.



      EPM Study 2015


      Many companies have made significant progress in their Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) in the past years, but recent crises have again been strongly demanding for management processes, methods and systems. Against this background, questions about development status, trends and best practices are of high importance. Many CFOs and Heads of Accounting or Controlling would like a detailed comparison with other companies:

      - How quick and accurate is the reporting of other companies?
      - What measures are reported how often and to whom?
      - How many people are working on particular tasks?
      - How are the underlying processes structured?
      - What IT systems are best suited for the intended purposes?
      - What improvements have the most valuable impact?

      Comprehensive answers to these and many other questions can be obtained by taking part in our updated study “International Enterprise Performance Management 2015″. It will be conducted by the members of EPM International.

      Participation is free, easy and strictly confidential.

      If you would like to participate in the Study we offer three different possibilities: Online questionnaire, Paper questionnaire and Interview.

      Contact us!