

Selection and implementation of EPM solutions with SAP EPM Enterprise Performance Management

Our team can advise you in the selection and implementing process of EPM solutions with SAP EPM Enterprise Performance Management, developing the best applications to enable an effective comparison and evolution analysis, based on your predefined criteria's.


Financial Consolidation

Whenever organizations (public or private sector) need to periodically prepare consolidated accounts, but whose size does not justify the purchase of consolidation applications or the recruitment of staff with expertise in this area, Valorgest can provide this type of service, ensuring quality of the consolidated reports, based on the vast experience of its consultants in financial consolidation.


FCRS - Financial Consolidation and Reporting Solution

The challenge

How do you consolidate and report your group financial information?
Are you confident in the consolidated data that is reported and can you easily explain how it is obtained?
Have you thought about how to reduce the time spent and, at the same time, increase the transparency of the process and the quality of the report?

Our solution - FCRS

Take advantage of a consolidation and reporting solution especially designed for groups that want to automate and streamline their account closure process.

Added value

Automate your consolidated reporting process, using a solution that is properly tested and adaptable to your business, releasing part of the time you spend in preparing the consolidated accounts for the analysis of the information.

Key features of the solution

- Solution available in two applications: SAP BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation) and SAP BFC (Business Financial Consolidation).
- Created from the "Starter Kit 6.0 for IFRS" developed by SAP, improved and adapted to the reality of Portuguese business groups and the national chart of accounts (SNC).
- Reporting of financial statements (consolidated and individual) and their respective annexes under IFRS or SNC, including information by segment / business.
- Includes reconciliation functions for intra-group balances and transactions, as well as currency translation in any consolidation currency.
- Management of consolidation perimeters and sub perimeters, including periodic changes.
- Automatic processing of consolidation adjustments, according to the different methods.


Business plans

Preparing a business plan appears as an adequate management decision, whenever you want to:
- Support investment decisions that, by its relevance, has an associated risk that must be measured and minimized in the medium / long term
- Support, monitor and evaluate the implementation of strategic decisions of organizations
- Support requests for bank funding, using business plans as a demonstrative document of viability of the investment project, with an associated significant risk reduction and thus most likely to be approved with better funding conditions.


Budgeting and forecasting

A tight and properly updated operating budget is an essential short-term management tool to reduce business risk and simultaneously evaluate management decisions.
Valorgest can assist your company:
- Designing the best models adapted to your business
- In the follow-up information analysis, anticipating the need for different management decisions towards new economic and financial facts, other than those predicted
- Training your staff for better use of your operating budget as a correct management tool.


Integrated reporting applications

Valorgest have skilled consultants in its team in developing and design of decision support integrated systems both for internal and external reporting at companies and/or group level:
- Using innovative financial analysis processes, focused on shareholder value
- Improving quality and relevance of the produced information
- Reducing the management reporting calendar, automating processes
- Integrating in a single reporting model the processes of budget, planning, forecast and actual reporting (consolidated and per company), ensuring total flexibility in their use and maintenance.


Reengineering of business processes

Sustained growth requires a tight control of the business risks associated with.
Our services include the review of key business processes, to ensure that they operate according to best practices in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.


Strategic business analysis and design

Get ready for the new challenges that the new economy places to you, reviewing your business strategy, anticipating decisions in the marketplace, thus achieving significant competitive gains.
Our technicians are prepared to assist you in the development / revision of your strategy, streamlining your business and adding value.


Financial analysis and management decision support

Valorgest is prepared to work as a partner of your organization, supporting your management decisions with economic and financial analysis based on innovative financial management techniques used in leading companies.


Internal control and procedures manuals

The existence of proper and formal internal control procedures, addressed to the specificities of each business are one of the most important management tools to assure efficient processes.
The experience gained by Valorgest technicians in the preparation of such manuals ensures the necessary quality, with visible benefits in terms of increasing work productivity and reducing business risk.


Other management support services to organisations

Our consultants are qualified to support the various operational aspects of your company. Some examples: KPI definitions to reduce costs, inventory management optimisation, treasury management and bank negotiation, among others.